May 19 9:15 AM IST

India ESG Leadership Summit: The journey from emergence to business relevance


Media Webinar




Environmental, social and governance (ESG) in India has slow-brewed from sporadic boardroom discussions to policy-level changes and, increasingly, on-ground implementation.


Some investors and companies are taking the lead in driving the transformation by being early adopters. Importantly, the growing attention of regulators is persuading the adoption of ESG.


Today, this sustainability wave is breaking at varying speeds because it is a function of how individual companies - across sectors and sizes - are perceiving the waters.


So, can ESG in India move decisively beyond template compliance and altruistic suasion to something driven by tangible value from a risk/impact/opportunity perspective? Or will it become another fad?


How can financial institutions - which rub shoulders with investees and borrowers alike - shape the future of ESG?


For answers, and to give a platform to this debate, Crisil is hosting the second edition of the India ESG Leadership Summit on May 19, 2022. The event theme is 'The journey from emergence to business relevance'.


The summit will have two panel discussions (see programme highlights below).


Crisil will also launch its second Sustainability Yearbook at the summit, which will have assessments of 550+ Indian companies based on our proprietary ESG framework.


We look forward to the privilege of hosting you at this virtual event.


Programme Highlights


Beyond the call of compliance: ESG as a business strategy and decarbonisation efforts by corporates


Gain insights into how corporates have incorporated ESG and sustainability in their operations beyond the regulatory requirement, and how they can plan/contribute to decarbonising India as per the commitment made to be net zero by 2070


Stewardship and engagement: Role of investors in moving the ESG needle


Hear players from financial institutions deliberate on how investors and lenders are taking a more active ownership role with their investee and borrower companies to align them closer with ESG goals



Keynote Speaker





For any assistance/ query, please call: Nupura Paigankar | +91 22 3342 8415 | Nupura.Paigankar@ext-crisil.com


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