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Create Rating Models to assess borrower creditworthiness and calculate capital charges

Client : US Commercial Bank




To develop a rating model that allows a US commercial bank with a large corporate portfolio to assess the creditworthiness of borrowers/applicants and calculate credit risk capital charges.


Crisil's Solution


  • Develop a borrower model based on a hybrid approach employing logistic regression (LR) that directly predicts probability of default (PD) based on borrower characteristics
  • Borrower data screened and variables shortlisted using suitable approaches such as binning, weight of evidence and information value
  • Using stepwise logistic regression, established an econometric relationship between PD and risk attributes
  • Using expert judgement-based model overlay, incorporated qualitative information and early warning signals on existing borrowers to calculate adjusted PD for each borrower, enhancing model effectiveness
  • Tested model performance and stability on different test datasets using classification table and ROC curve

Client Impact


  • Client used borrower rating model to strengthen its credit approval and pricing mechanism by enhancing its assessments of borrower creditworthiness
  • The model helped lower losses from default by a significant extent



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