The quality of work Mein Pragati programme showcased, led the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to empanel Crisil Foundation for its prestigious MoneyWise Centres for Financial Literacy project in 2017, starting with 25 centres in Maharashtra, Haryana and Rajasthan which today has scaled up its coverage through 675 CFLs to cover 1,962 blocks in 293 districts in 14 states and four union territories of India with support from the RBI, 11 PSU banks and NABARD.
These centres work towards raising financial awareness, promoting good financial practices, and driving sustainable change in behaviour among people in their catchments.
Setting up a physical centre (the hub) with required infrastructure/ functionalities, where customers/ community members could walk into and seek support for documentation and counselling
Developing highly visual training content – flipbooks, Audio-visuals, games – to drive key messages based on education through entertainment model
Extensively training on-ground field staff, resources handpicked from the same block, who can communicate in the local dialect
Creating a local, trained cadre at community level, who can support the on-ground field staff
Regularly coordinating with all bank branches, financial service providers, and block/ district administration, which helped provide a supportive environment
120 lakh +
community outreach through trainings and awareness programmes
10 lakh +
Linkage applications mobilised towards banking and other financial services
Walk-ins into the CFL centres