New Templates To Fund Growth


In 2012, Crisil launched its annual seminar on India's corporate bond market, driven by its commitment to deepen it.While the flagship theme for the inaugural event was how Crisil 'A'-rated companies were the emerging opportunity, the 2013 edition of the seminar focussed on financing India's growth imperative. The criticality of leveraging India's bond market to channel long-term funds and the constraints in doing so were discussed. At the event, we also presented our arithmetic on the growth capital that India would need over the next five years.


Crisil Annual Bond Market Seminar 2014

Staying the course, Crisil is hosting the 3rd edition of its Annual Seminar Series on Jan 21, 2015. The theme for this year's seminar is New Templates To Fund Growth, where stakeholders will discuss and debate the models and modalities -- necessary and available -- to meet the extraordinary financing challenge facing India.


The annual seminar series, which deliberates on ways to expand and deepen India's corporate bond market, aims to bring together all important stakeholders and discuss the progress achieved so far, recent government and regulatory initiatives to widen the market, and potential solutions.



Key findings

Pervious events


May 31

Corporate Bonds & India’s New Financial Order


Nov 28

Financing India's Future


Mar 07

Crisil A rated companies - An emerging opportunity