Crisil GR&A and Greenwich Associates' joint discussion forum on Globally distributed teams as a potent BCP tool



The Covid-19 crisis has thrust into spotlight management of productivity and surveillance within the context of business continuity of globally distributed teams. Are global teams an antidote to Black Swan events or have they made business continuity complex? As we wade through the complexities of globally distributed teams, it is necessary to contextualize the crisis and form a proper perspective; for the future must be navigated not through the rearview mirror, but the windshield.


Join our discussion forum co-hosted by Greenwich Associates, now part of Crisil (an S&P Global company) along with Crisil Global Research and Analytics (GR&A)


We will take a closer look at how global banks and asset managers have managed the crisis and are preparing for an extended bout of working remotely.


Covid-19 has disrupted markets and operations. Banks and asset managers managed the disruption by leveraging global teams.


So far, migration of work at banks and asset managers has principally been driven by considerations of criticality and cost. Talent and service quality considerations came later. Now, Covid-19 has brought to the fore a hitherto undervalued consideration – the ability of global teams to operate seamlessly under an extended business continuity planning (BCP) environment.


In the discussion, the eminent speakers will share their experiences of, and insights, on


  • The imperative of global teams and successful business continuity strategies
  • How the best managed productivity and operational risks during the crisis
  • Value addition and service quality during business continuity
  • Assessing operational risk from third party services and global centres of excellence
  • How surveillance and compliance have adapted to working from home

Prior to the panel discussion, Crisil will share how it was able to transition work to home for its 3000+ employees servicing 100+ global clients from 10 global cities
