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Insights from quarterly earnings call transcripts using Natural language processing (NLP) to generate signals and insights for the airlines sector for a US based Investment Bank

Client : US-based investment bank




  • Leverage analytical tools and technologies on company filings. 
  • Draw insights from quarterly earnings call transcripts to generate signals and insights for the airlines sector


Platforms used


  • Python, NLP algorithms


Crisil's solution


  • Data extraction: Set up scripts to convert statements to text format
  • Data processing
    • Pre-processing of statements to remove stop words and special characters
    • Lexicon normalisation using lemmatisation
  • Feature extraction
    • Extract meaningful word pairs(bi-grams) using tf-idf, which represent the major challenges/factors affecting the airlines sector (financial, competition, fuel-price, fares/surcharges, customer satisfaction).
  • Variable creation
    • Prepared a set of independent variables pertaining to the above factors using
      - Word frequencies and sentence counts on presentation and Q&A sections
      - Sentiment on sentences by the speaker containing important factors
      - Tone of executives and analysts
  • Output
    • Create derived variables YoY change (%) to observe the impact across time
  • Data science
    • Applied dimension reduction techniques for variable reduction 
    • Created individual feature chart across timeline to draw insights
    • Built a regression model and back-tested the model


Client impact


  • Strong correlation on adjusted returns observed with certain features 
  • Feature chart across timeline to draw insights on impact to the airlines sector
  • Performed sentiment analysis, reduced dimensionality, built regression model and back-tested to drive analysis

Request for services

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